How to Study Chemistry the Smart Way

Sanjana Mookim Int
Toppr Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2022


Students can learn Chemistry smoothly with the right techniques and strategies prepared by Toppr Answr experts.

Chemistry has been one of the most interesting subjects during school days. It consists of a lot of practical applications and scenarios instead of just theoretical knowledge. For example, a student can predict what a mixture of 2 or more substances can produce by studying and understanding basic concepts of chemical reactions.

Many students might find chemistry challenging while studying. Not approaching the subject in the right way could be one of the main reasons behind this. Students can now learn the subject smoothly with the right techniques and strategies prepared by Toppr Answr experts.

Seek Clear Understanding

As with most science subjects, there is a lot of information to understand and memorize in chemistry. Firstly, a student should focus on having a sound understanding of the fundamentals. Once they have a clear knowledge of the basics, they should spend time memorizing the details and factual information. For instance, students are expected to memorize the chemical reactions and formulae, which form the foundation of chemistry.

Practice Regularly

Practice remains one of the best techniques to learn and understand a subject. A student should practice problems, solve equations and work on formulae regularly. This habit should be a part of their daily study routine. Digging deep into practice problems and justifying each step taken to solve them is a good strategy to study and master chemistry. With Toppr Answr, every student can access a wide range of questions to practice from and further strengthen their concepts.

Review Study Material Before Lecture

It is always a good practice for students to go through the study material at their own pace before the lecture. This way, lecture time can be used to solidify the concepts. This technique of learning is called the ‘Flipped Classroom’. Studying assignments and reading the learning material before the class is one of the most effective strategies in chemistry. Additionally, students might come across several doubts while studying before the lecture, which can then be resolved in the classroom. Alternatively, they can connect with an expert on Toppr Answr and get all their doubts resolved instantly.

Make the Most Use of Lab Visits

Working on problems and conducting experiments in a practical environment is the best way to strengthen the understanding and knowledge of chemistry. A student should take every opportunity presented to them to work in the laboratory. This helps them understand the concepts of the subject practically in a clear manner. At the same time, it also enables the student to get hands-on experience of the topic in discussion.

Use Flashcards

With the help of flashcards, a student can evaluate their own work. Grading their own work is an act of self-reflection which deepens their memory. Chemistry is replete with scientific symbols, formulae and equations that a student must memorize and interpret correctly. A flashcard can be used for organizing and studying these symbols, formulae and equations, including the periodic table of elements.


Learning a subject like chemistry requires a lot of concentration. There are no shortcuts to understanding the subject and getting good grades. However, with consistent efforts, dedication, and smart strategies, a student can master chemistry with ease.

